Nights into Dreams Wiki
Nights into Dreams Wiki

Gulpo's Red Fishes (name not confirmed) are unnamed Fishes that are featured in the Gulpo's boss battle in NiGHTS into Dreams. It is unknown if they are just items or actual Nightmarens.

NiGHTS into Dreams[]

The Fishes only appear during the Gulpo's boss battle, where they place themselves around Gulpo's tank. Both NiGHTS and Gulpo can use the fishes to defeat each other during the battle; NiGHTS has to find the right fish poiting at Gulpo to launch themself into the Nightmaren and Gulpo can release dark energy orbs at the fishes, which will make the them be surrounded by a dark energy for a few seconds. If NiGHTS tries to use these fishes in this state, they will be damaged.



  • As seen above, it is unknown if these fishes are Nightmarens or just items. If they are Nightmarens, it is unknown what level they are. They presumably would be third level Nightmarens or perhaps, they don't follow the usual level system at all.