Visitor (or Dreamer) is a term used by the inhabitants of the Night Dimension to describe the humans who go to Nightopia. When they fall asleep, the Nightmarens try to steal the Visitor's ideyas, colorful orbs that represent dream energy. Once the Nightmarens steal enough ideyas, they will be able to invade the real world.[1]
Elliot Edwards, Claris Sinclair, William Taylor and Helen Cartwright are important visitors that have saved the Night Dimension along with NiGHTS. When the Nightmarens imprison NiGHTS, the visitors can go inside the cage and fuse with NiGHTS (the fusion's name is called dualize). When they do that, Visitors are capable of releasing NiGHTS from the cages for some time, allowing it to save Nightopias. NiGHTS uses their strongest ideya, the red Ideya of Courage, to become more powerful.
Main Visitors[]
Elliot Edwards[]

Elliot is one of the two Visitors from NiGHTS into Dreams. He likes to play basketball with his friends, but one day, three older boys beat him at his favorite hobby and started bullying him in front of his best friends, making Elliot feel very embarrassed. One night, Elliot is dreaming about these events, when suddenly the three boys turn into monsters. He runs from them through a nightmarish corridor when he sees a light which transports him to the Night Dimension, where he meets NiGHTS and his adventure begins.
Claris Sinclair[]

Claris is one of the two Visitors from NiGHTS into Dreams. She comes from a family of artists and she wants to prove them she inherited their talents. Thus, Claris wants to audition for the headlining musical for the Twin Seeds centennial commemoration celebrations. However, she is feeling very insecure about it as she heard a voice inside, saying everybody is gonna laugh at her and is feeling very insecure about it. One night, Claris is dreaming that she is in the audition, when the judges start laughing and turn into monsters. She runs from them through a corridor when she sees a light which transports her to the Night Dimension, where she meets NiGHTS and her adventure begins.
William "Will" Taylor[]

William (addressed in the game by his nickname, "Will") is one of the two Visitors from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. His favorite hobby is soccer/football. William is very close to his father and doesn't have many friends. One day, his father had to leave him due his work, leaving William alone. One night, William is dreaming about what happened, when suddenly, his team members appear laughing at him and turn into monsters. William runs from them through a dark place when he sees a light that banishes the nightmares and transports him to the Night Dimension.
Helen Cartwright[]

Helen is one of the two Visitors from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. When she was young, Helen was very close to her mother and her favorite hobby was playing violins with her. But as she grew older, she started spending more time with her friends and is feeling very guilty about spending less time with her mother. One night, Helen is dreaming about her behavior, when suddenly, her friends and a projection of her mother turn into monsters. She flees through a dark place when she sees a light that banishes the nightmares and transports her to the Night Dimension.
Roger Wilkeah[]

Roger is the leader of the older boys who bullied Elliot in NiGHTS into Dreams and is Elliot's main rival. In the game itself, Roger is simply a minor character who appears during Elliot's intro and ending cutscenes. In the 1998 comic book series based on the game, Roger is a major character. In the comics he not only reprises his role from the game, but he also goes to the Night Dimension (specifically to Nightmare) and he works with Wizeman, Reala and the other nightmarens. Roger dualizes with Reala and helps him fight NiGHTS. However, from the sixth issue forward, he starts to change sides and by the end of issue 6, Roger betrays the nightmarens and indirectly help NiGHTS defeating Reala by not allowing Reala to use his dream energy anymore.
Unnamed Archie Comics Visitors[]

In the Archie Comic series, there are two unnamed visitors who only make a brief appearance at the beginning of the first issue. They are the century's perfect dreamers who are captured by NiGHTS and Reala and brought to Wizeman, who is going to use their red Ideyas to open a portal to invade the waking world. However, before that happens, the girl convinces NiGHTS to rebel and the latter escapes with their red Ideyas. The visitors are left in Wizeman's castle and aren't seen afterwards. Their fate is unknown.
Nothing about the visitors is known, though, they most definitely didn't know each other before getting captured by NiGHTS and Reala, as the boy addresses to the girl as "Ma'am". The girl somehow knew that NiGHTS wasn't like the rest of the nightmarens, as according to her, she could see in NiGHTS' eyes that they were different.
Sonic the Hedgehog[]
In the minigame Sonic the Hedgehog: Into Dreams, Sonic appears in Spring Valley as a Visitor.

Excluding Wizeman, Visitors are ordinary humans and anthropomorphs and lack any type of magical power until the game's climax, where all of them receive the ability of flying and drill dashing by themselves. The visitors are also very talented at doing what they like (basketball for Elliot, singing for Claris, soccer for William and violins for Helen, running for Sonic). Also, in NiGHTS into Dreams, both Elliot and Claris are capable of jumping really high and they can protect themselves from the Alarm Egg by jumping over it and in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, William and Helen can shoot blue chips at third level Nightmarens to protect themselves.
Their Ideyas also cause huge impact in the Night Dimension and its residents, as they are what give NiGHTS enough power to fight the Wizeman and his nightmarens. In the Archie Comics, Roger gave Reala his Dream energy and made Reala very powerful, but once Roger stopped doing that, Reala got so weak and energy drained, to the point he could barely move, meaning the Visitors dream energy causes huge impact on the nightmarens, even the most powerful ones like Reala. According to Owl in Journey of Dreams, the Visitors ideyas are also what build Nightopia's locations based on something about the Visitors. For example, Lost Park in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams was created by the Blue Ideya based on the fact there is something missing from William's heart.

Elliot's red ideya power.
In the NiGHTS Storybook, Elliot's Red Ideya got so strong to the point he was capable of defeating Reala by himself, meaning that Visitors' red Ideyas can reach such a level of power, that not even the strongest Nightmaren from Wizeman's army is capable of handling it. It all depends on how brave the visitor is. In Elliot's case, it was because he was brave enough to jump into deep darkness to save NiGHTS.
For unknown reasons, Wizeman has no Ideya/dream energy. Instead, he somehow has god-like powers that differentiate him from all of the other visitors. Wizeman has many powers, with his two main ones being power of creation and reality manipulation. Unlike the other visitors, who have no control over how their Ideyas shape their dream worlds, Wizeman can shape reality the way he wants to. However, just like the Nightmarens, Wizeman's biggest weakness is the red Ideya, which is the other Visitors' main weapons.
- According to Yuji Naka, the visitors are meant to represent the animus and anima, from Carl Gustav Jung's works about human subconscious.[2]
- Elliot and Claris are 15 years old in Japan, but 14 in the rest of the world. The reason for the change is unknown.
- William and Helen are both 12 years old all over the world.
- While Roger's age was never revealed, the NiGHTS into Dreams manual states that he is older than Elliot, which means he is either 16 or older.
- All of the four main visitors were capable of defeating a Nightmaren by themselves.
- Elliot defeated Reala in the NiGHTS Storybook.
- Claris defeated Gulpo in the NiGHTS Archie Comics.
- Will and Helen can defeat third level Nightmarens during gameplay segments in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams.
- In NiGHTS into Dreams, both Elliot and Claris have several unused animations and attacks, including:
- A forward flipping attack animation.[3]
- An animation where they appear to be carrying an object with one hand.[4]
- An animation where they appear to be carrying an object with both hands.[5]
- An animation where they appear to be driving a car.[6]
- A sky diving animation.[7]
- A slipping animation.[8]
- An animation where they cover their face.[9]
- Wizeman and Roger are the only visitors to have antagonistic roles. Roger was also the only visitor to ever be an anti-hero.
- In Sonic Riders, one of NiGHTS's air tricks is called "Visitor".[10]
- The four main visitors were indirectly mentioned in the NiGHTS' notification from Sonic Runners. Elliot and Claris were addressed as brave young boy and girl and Will and Helen were addressed as unsure young boy and girl.[11]
- In an interview, Steve Lycett from Sumo Digital revealed that the visitors were considered to make an appearance in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, as the drivers of NiGHTS shapeshifted as the car, but the idea was dropped because according to Steve, fans would complain if a set of visitors was chosen over the other, so a Nightopian was selected to be the driver instead.[12]
- ↑ NiGHTS into Dreams Manual
- ↑ Exclusive: A Yuji Naka interview ~ For the fans ~
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